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Example of SLODLC Design Worksheet

Service Name: Chatbot

SLODLC Adoption: Project “SLOtisfactionary Chatbot”

SLO Adoption Leader: John Smith, Senior PM,

Worksheet Owner: Joe Doe, SRE,

Document Status: Example Draft

Related Docs: EXAMPLE of 1. SLODLC Business Case Worksheet v1.1, EXAMPLE of 2. SLODLC Discovery Worksheet v2.3

Design Worksheet Scope

  • Define meaningful SLIs
  • Define Achievable SLOs
  • Define Aspirational SLOs
  • Establish Error Budgets

How to work with Design Worksheet

  1. Please walk through each point in the table
    1. Each point consist of a question section and instructions section
    2. Provide clear, written answers
    3. Provide URLs/Links for external resources if any
    4. Explicitly refer to necessary attachments if any
  2. Return this completed form, with any necessary attachments, to: …
  3. If you have any questions about this form, please contact: …

1.Define meaningful SLIs


Work with your final prioritized User Journeys and Expectations list from SLODLC Discovery Worksheet. For each item on the list define meaningful SLIs using the SLI/SLO Specification Template.

Combine all your filed SLI/SLO templates into one SLI/SLO Repository (one file with filled tables or one folder with separate files - one SLI one file; one website, anything that works for you at least you will ensure data completeness; more about SLI/SLO Repository you will find in SLODLC Handbook).

Type any notes or remarks which might be helpful in the future; optional - capture lessons learned.

New SLIs/SLOs definition - For each SLI we will work with one SLI/SLO Specification Template. All templates shall be stored in a dedicated directory called SLI/SLO Repository. Repository will be available to all employees and SLO adoption consultants working with us. EXAMPLE of 2. SLODLC Discovery Worksheet v2.3 was used as an input.

Links per SLI and related SLOs: SLI #1 - SLI/SLO Specification

Lessons Learned - despite this being our first experience with repetitive SLODLC methodology we found it easy to discover and define SLOs. SLODLC process is guiding all precipitant leaving no place for misunderstanding.

2.Define Achievable SLOs


Work with each of your defined SLI captured in SLI/SLO Repository - Define Achievable SLOs (one to many per one SLI - if needed). Updated SLI/SLO Repository.

Type any notes or remarks which might be helpful in the future; optional - capture lessons learned.

Links per SLI and related SLOs: SLI #1 - SLI/SLO Specification - Achievable SLOs definition included

2.2.Risk Assessment Exercise

Risk assessment will help you to figure out what's achievable, what's aspirational, what the mitigations could be, and will help build a reliability roadmap. For comprehensive risk assessment use Risk Analysis Template made by Google; it is a free, public tool based on years-long SRE practices, which can be found under the link:

Type any notes or remarks which might be helpful in the future; optional - capture lessons learned.

Lessons Learned - risk assessment exercise provided helpful guidelines, this is a valuable step during any SLO journey, we encourage to conduct this exercise with all stakeholders during SLO workshop or BootCamp.

3.Define Aspirational SLOs


Work with each of your defined achievable SLO captured in SLI/SLO Repository - Define Aspirational SLOs in the SLO template section. Updated SLI/SLO repository.

Type any notes or remarks which might be helpful in the future; optional - capture lessons learned.

Links per SLI and related SLOs: SLI #1 - SLI/SLO Specification - Aspirational SLOs definition included

4.Establish Error Budgets


Work with each of your defined SLOs captured in SLI/SLO Repository (at this time, you should have one solid, well organized repository) - Define Error Budget per each SLO in the SLO template section. Fully Updated SLI/SLO repository - all records should be filled per SLI/SLO defined.

Type any notes or remarks which might be helpful in the future; optional - capture lessons learned.

Links per SLI and related SLOs: SLI #1 - SLI/SLO Specification - Error Budgets definition included

This template is part of SLODLC