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SLODLC Design Worksheet

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Design Worksheet Scope

  • Define meaningful SLIs
  • Define Achievable SLOs
  • Define Aspirational SLOs
  • Establish Error Budgets

How to work with Design Worksheet

  1. Please walk through each point in the table
    1. Each point consist of a question section and instructions section
    2. Provide clear, written answers
    3. Provide URLs/Links for external resources if any
    4. Explicitly refer to necessary attachments if any
  2. Return this completed form, with any necessary attachments, to: …
  3. If you have any questions about this form, please contact: …

1.Define meaningful SLIs


Work with your final prioritized User Journeys and Expectations list from SLODLC Discovery Worksheet. For each item on the list define meaningful SLIs using the SLI/SLO Specification Template.

Combine all your filed SLI/SLO templates into one SLI/SLO Repository (one file with filled tables or one folder with separate files - one SLI one file; one website, anything that works for you at least you will ensure data completeness; more about SLI/SLO Repository you will find in SLODLC Handbook).

Type any notes or remarks which might be helpful in the future; optional - capture lessons learned.


2.Define Achievable SLOs


Work with each of your defined SLI captured in SLI/SLO Repository - Define Achievable SLOs (one to many per one SLI - if needed). Updated SLI/SLO Repository.

Type any notes or remarks which might be helpful in the future; optional - capture lessons learned.


2.2.Risk Assessment Exercise

Risk assessment will help you to figure out what's achievable, what's aspirational, what the mitigations could be, and will help build a reliability roadmap. For comprehensive risk assessment use Risk Analysis Template made by Google; it is a free, public tool based on years-long SRE practices, which can be found under the link:

Type any notes or remarks which might be helpful in the future; optional - capture lessons learned.


3.Define Aspirational SLOs


Work with each of your defined achievable SLO captured in SLI/SLO Repository - Define Aspirational SLOs in the SLO template section. Updated SLI/SLO repository.

Type any notes or remarks which might be helpful in the future; optional - capture lessons learned.


4.Establish Error Budgets


Work with each of your defined SLOs captured in SLI/SLO Repository (at this time, you should have one solid, well organized repository) - Define Error Budget per each SLO in the SLO template section. Fully Updated SLI/SLO repository - all records should be filled per SLI/SLO defined.

Type any notes or remarks which might be helpful in the future; optional - capture lessons learned.


This template is part of SLODLC